lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Save a furry life!!!!!!!

Save a furry life

Last year, I and my friends organised a special event because I and my best friend went to a kennel.

The animals were very bad and they had a poor welfare state.When an animal stay a long time there and no body went to brougth it the manager put down it .

The purpose of this project is save the life of enimals like cats,dogs, rabbit... or make better the welfare state.

Before the event the people that wants to help the animals have to make cartels for adoption or do something to raise money.

On the day we have to answer the phone and give the money for the animal's food or another things that they need.

Then we bougth the tings and give the animals for the people who ring us.

The best goal is the happiness

2 comentarios:

  1. hii!! debora!!! i love your blog!! please visit my blog!!! kises!!!

  2. Hi Deborah
    Well done on your first homework post. Here are my comments/corrections:

    Last year, (I and) my friends AND I organised a special event because ( I and) my best friend AND I HAD GONE (went) to a kennel. The animals were (very bad) NOT CARED FOR and they had (a) poor LIVING CONDITIONS (welfare state). When an animal stayed THERE FOR a long time (there) and no body went to (brought) BUY it the manager put down it .

    The purpose of this project is TO save the life of Animals like cats, dogs, rabbitS... or TO IMPROVE THEIR LIVING CONDITIONS (make better the welfare state).

    Before the event the people that wanted to help the animals haD to make (cartels) SIGNS for adoption or do something to raise money.

    On the day OF THE EVENT we haD to answer the phone and give the money for the animal's food or( an)other things that they need.

    Then we bougHT the tHings and gAve the animals (for)TO the people who HAD rUng us.

    The best goal is (the) happiness.
